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Foshan shunde top and automatic doors control co., LTD

Address:, shunde district, foshan city, big LiangYun laurel ten street no. 1

Contact phone: 0757-22633010

Fax number: 0757-22633010

Service hotline: 13322822713 coco ouyang

Sales hotline: 13715444038 miss liao

Technical department: 13531404114 OuYangSheng

E-mail: 1416014705


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Foshan and automatic door installation figure

Release date:2016-07-06 23:30:03

Foshan and automatic door installation figure


Foshan top and automatic doors control co., LTD. Is a set design, sales, wholesale and installation, technical guidance and after-sales service, maintenance services for the integration of innovative enterprises. At present, the company operating the automatic doors of famous brands are: top gen DCH automatic induction door, DCH high-speed rolling door, PVC door quickly DCH industry, Panasonic (Japan) Panasonic automatic induction door, (Germany) DORMA sodom, automatic induction door, (Germany) cover ze GEZE automatic induction door, (Switzerland) to record automatic induction door, (Japan) good governance LONGRESH automatic induction door, automatic induction door, Annie ANNY90 PAD degrees to open the door machine, al carnot Alcano intelligent remote control to open the door machine, etc., products covered by the translational automatic induction door/fast/industrial PVC door/villa to open the door quickly on machine/translation machine/electric floor spring / 90 degrees flat open/radiation proof airtight door/medical operating room automatic dust-free workshop automatic doors open/heavy automatic door/straight arm machine/home to open the door machine/safety inspection door/entrance guard system accessories, automatic induction door (motor/motor, sling, sling wheel, automatic guide rail, aluminum rail, automatic induction door stopper, glass clamp, pulleys, belts, synchronous wheel, sensor/sensors, place wheel belt fixtures, check, check the pendulum) such as accessories. 门禁系统(电插锁,磁力锁,门禁电源,ID/IC读卡器,后备电源,遥控器,按钮,指/纹机,防夹安全电眼/安全光线,门禁控制器,开关等自动门和门禁门控五金.家庭防盗报警系统,微波感应器、红外线感应器、门禁控制器、专用电插锁、遥控发射接收器、指纹考勤门禁机、感应卡考勤门禁机、摄像考勤机、密码门禁机、自助银行刷卡门禁机、安全电眼、无框门夹、自动门控五金。等产品.本公司“技术力量雄厚,重质量守信誉”,为客户提供设计.制作.安装.维修一条龙的服务,以高端技术为先导以满足客户需求为基准,在自动门领域内不断超越完善自我. 我们本着以人为本、客户致上的文化理念.以专注的精神打造专业的技术团队,以高效率的客户服务赢得市场、以诚信赢得合作伙伴的声誉.以科技为向导,质量创名牌,以精益求精,薄利多销为宗旨,开阔市场为目标,产品质量稳定,畅销全国,获得用户一致好评。欢迎社会各界人士携手合作.共创辉煌。 佛山顶创自动门公司诚征全国各地地代理商、经销商。 请与我联系:电话13322822713欧阳 小姐 QQ:1416014705 公司网址: 触摸可实现的功能:自动感应 按钮 密码 刷卡 指纹 遥控 手感脚踏等多种开门方式 应用范围:银行营业厅 服务行业营业厅 商场 公司 大厦 写字楼 办公室 宾馆 酒店 会所 政府机关 工厂车间 仓库通道 专卖店 连锁店 出入口 庭院 别墅 医院 医院手术室 医用气密门 无尘车间门 自动门服务承诺:经双方洽谈意向成功后广东省范围内(珠三角)①免费上门测量尺寸。②免费设计门体方案。③对选用我司产品的客户保修期内免费上门维修且终生有偿维护。④对所有故障自动门免费上门检查。


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